Indonesian Journal of Religion and Society (IJRS) with ISSN 2684-852X is a peer review of scientific journals that publish the results of studies that focus on interactions between religion and society, both theoretically and empirically. The IJRS aims to disseminate knowledge related to religion and society with multidisciplinary approach, multilevel analysis, and multi-method. For this reason, the IJRS encourages comparative approaches from various countries, regions and religions.
The Indonesian Journal of Religion and Society (IJSR) publishes original articles, theoretical perspectives and article methodologies related to religion and society. Contributions are welcomed from the fields of humanities, religion and social sciences such as political studies, sociology, law, anthropology and others. Other studies related to scope are welcomed. Articles that are not related to focus and scope not included in the journal will be rejected.
Indonesian Journal of Religion and Society (IJSR) is published by Indonesian Center for Religion and Society Studies (InTReSt) in collab oration with Asosiasi Program Studi Sosiologi Indonesia (APSSI). IJRS has acredited SINTA 3 from Vol. 1, No. 1, 2019 based on SK Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset & Teknologi No. 105/E/kpt/2022.

Vol 6, No 2 (2024)
Table of Contents
Melchor Labao Cuizon
Marthinus Ngabalin, Suwarto Adi, Tony Tampake
Nurmala Sari, Nurus Shalihin, Muhammad Fauzi
Ucep Hermawan, Dadang Darmawan, Bambang Qomaruzzaman
Rahman Helmi, H. Badrian